Guild War today: Promotion/Relegation, Tomorrow: Sunday - Free
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Asgard / Guild Raid plan for Friday-Sunday

Our main goal is to kill the boss at level 150 and we manage to do it for quite some time. However, we can improve our order of hitting so that all members get closer to reaching the highest threshold of individual damage. The way to do it is to allow weaker teams hitting lower level bosses. Players that have less developed heroes are struggling on higher bosses, so we would like to have lower bosses alive as long as possible. Please mind the following guidelines when hitting:
  • Hit with your weakest team first and then move towards stronger ones (so the order is 5,4,3,2,1)
  • At the moment you have reached 10 million damage threshold, STOP attacking! Save the rest of your teams for 160 boss.
  • Do not use META team (Isaac, Jhu, Nebula, Sebastian, Martha) before we reach 160 boss, or on Sunday (whichever comes first)
  • If in doubt, send a question to our guild chat.
OSH-Teams (META). Albus or Axel should be main pet.

Clash of Worlds - CoW General plans

We are mostly running CoW unplanned. Please look/pick/test your own targets. We try to avoid fortifications with bad/huge enemy buffs, the higher bonuses is not worth it. Attacks priorities / order:
  • Titan Bridge -> Bastion of Fire -> Hero Bridge -> Sun Temple/Moon Temple -> Citadel
  • Lighthouse, Mage Academy, Barracks - Always available for attacks
  • Spring of Elements, Ether Prism, Altar of Life - After above titan targets are down
  • Alchemy, Bastion, Shooting Range
Don’t attack Foundry, Engineerium, City Hall, or Gates of Natue, unless you have a target assigned there, or when all other targets are down already.

For Bastion of Ice: Use 4 Fire + Hyperion, fire everything but hold totem until 191%, then go Auto.

Combat shortcut keys

  1. CTRL-Click on a hero pre-battle to switch pet patronage
  2. In a battle the following shortcuts might be useful:
    • 1,2,3,4,5 - activate first skill in manual mode (1 is for the leftmost hero/titan),
    • Q - activate totem/pet skill in manual mode,
    • A - toggle Auto mode on/off,
    • hold SHIFT to increase the battle speed,
    • Esc - pause the battle, use it to retreat or to get time to think about next moves.

Daily quests

  1. Gift of the Elements - if you don't have enough resources to upgrade your strongest heroes, you can apply it on a lower level hero. Invested sparks can be taken back by clicking the 'Reset' button, but note that used gold is not returned.
  2. Glyph - if you are running low on resources, upgrading a glyph of level 0-4 is the cheapest option to get 700 guild activity points.
  3. Guild activity - if you are close to guild activity points mark (850, 1250, 1750), exchange some of items you will not need in return for points. It can be done in Guild -> Rewards -> Exchange.


Titans' health is not replenished after each battle. Therefore, titan battles determine the number of levels you can finish in a day.
  1. Play battles in manual mode. It might be clumsy in the beginning, but once you get used to it, you will be able to finish more levels
  2. Try to end each battle with full energy. In most cases it is better to receive one or two more hits than use a skill near the end of the battle.
  3. Know the skills of your titans. Read descriptions of all the available skills and know the duration and intensity of their effects.
  4. Some skills can be used before the teams meat at the middle (eg. Angus, Hyperion, Sylva). Skills with timed impact (Nova, Mairi) should not be used too much before the hitting starts.
  5. Don't mix certain skills, but chain them instead. For example, use skills of Sigurd and Nova (or Mairi) one after another instead of doing it at the same time.
  6. Use keyboard shortcuts.
  7. If anything doesn't go according to your plan (eg. you lost a titan, or Eden pulled an unwanted target under ground), just retreat and repeat the level. Make sure you do it on time, before one team is completely dead.

Do Chat/Sticker/Battle "Quests" without spamming

  1. Go to "Rankings" on the main page, find someone inactive, without a Guild flag.
  2. Send him a message saying "Hi!" (he is inactive and doesn't play anymore). Once you send this message, he will be in your "Private Messages" even if he drops out of the toplists.
  3. Use this private chat for all chat/sticker/battle quests in the future.

Connecting to Hero Wars over cell phone

In a case of need, it is possible to connect to Hero Wars over your phone. The experience is not as pleasant as via laptop/puter, but should be good enough to execute your guild war attacks.
  • Log in to your Facebook account over a browser on your phone (it is not working via app)
  • Click on Full Screen to change the resolution
On some iPhone devices full screen doesn't seem to work properly. If that is the case, try the following:
  1. Go to Settings -> Safari -> Page zoom
  2. Choose 75%

Some other tips

  1. Various gifts can be found on the Hero Wars Facebook-page:
    • Free boxes - every day at 14:00 UTC,
    • Titan spheres - at 11:00 UTC on weekends,
    • Boxy's gift - when the number of YouTube channel subscribers hits 5K mark,
    • Free energy - at the start of special events or in random moments during the week,
    • Live stream gifts - during live streams that support distinguished special events.
    If you find a new gift, please copy & paste the link with a short description on our main page.

  2. Titan power & counters:

Useful links

  1. Official FB page - often publishing posts with gifts,
  2. Official YouTube channel,
  3. HWGame - unofficial Russian site with various information, English content is available in the top right corner,
  4. Hero Wars Wiki - unofficial site with various information,
  5. Power calculator - customize your heroes/titans/pet and check their stats.
  6. Heroes - Countersheet - Which heroes are good/bad against which others?
  7. Lots of tips & info - Heroes, events, titans. Much info, unfortunatly some info is a bit old.
  8. If you are running Chrome or FireFox, this addon is great, unfortunatly things like notifications seems to require a paid subscription.